Wednesday, February 8, 2017

To Run, or Not to Run...That is the Question

Well, close enough.  Yesterday was my long run day, but there was a major problem.  See, I live in north Idaho where the weather is just downright obnoxious sometimes!  We've already had an insane amount of snow (the most since '96) and then just as it was starting to finally get above freezing and some of the snow was melting...we got another major snowstorm!  We pretty much couldn't leave our house for two days and we kept ourselves entertained by watching all the cars get stuck in the street.  Ok, we helped dig them out too ;)  Eventually the snow stopped and the rain came instead. Which means that by Tuesday morning, my driveway, the sidewalks and the street were pretty much a solid sheet of ice.  So what's a girl to do?  I look forward to my Tuesday runs, it's about the only time I get to run outside, but I just didn't feel like the conditions were safe enough.  So I had a pity party, whined about it to my husband and friends, then finally sucked it up and hopped on the treadmill.

At least my socks and capris matched ;)  The nice thing about spending 75 in on the treadmill is that I made it through 2 episodes of Gilmore Girls.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do when I'm done with the series!  I'll have to find something new, but what?  Although, hopefully I'll be running outside more as it warms up =)  I gotta admit though, I find it hard to keep proper form while running on the treadmill, I imagine part of the problem is I have to look down slightly to watch my show!  I'm trying to figure out how to mount my tablet to the wall so that it's not such a strain on my neck.  But for now I gotta do what I gotta do!

75 min :: 4.2 miles :: 17:55 pace ::  Avg HR 137/Max HR 154  - Still putting in those slow, steady miles, and I'm going longer and longer between walking breaks.  I gotta admit though, it's a bit depressing to see that I only managed a little over 4 miles in all that time, but I know it's an investment and will pay off in the long run!

1 comment:

  1. It's no fun when your run plans get moved inside but you have to do what you have to do!
    Confessions of a mother runner
